Saturday, November 19, 2011

Swimming Teachers Dilemma - Are Fathers Better in the Water Than Mothers?

In many countries, the major caregiver and swimming partner is the mother. However there is a small minority of teachers who advocate that fathers are better in the water with their children than the mothers.

According to Judy Watts (Australia) "Mother's instincts appear stronger however when the roles are reversed, the father, I believe has the same instincts in the water and are more able to respond to their infants with more confidence" Early swimming lessons are an ideal opportunity for fathers to develop a strong natural bond with their babies.

Even though, over the years I have had many parents in the water with their children, I don't think I could classify any one better than the other. There are just too many other factors like water experience,attitude, temperament etc, to make a judgment call. I have also hired both female and male swimming instructors, who have all been "masters of their swimming trade" and again I could not contribute catagorise any major differences as positives or negatives.

Whilst, I do agree with Judy, swimming lessons are ideal opportunities to bond for fathers. I am just happy to have small children in the water learning these life saving skills with a parent, any parent.

So here is a swimming teachers dilemma, there is growing research that fathers do or should play an enormous part in a child's life during the imprint and modeling period of a child life. 0 - 14 yrs. Yet one must ask, in the western society, Dad's are predominantly the major bread winners and have the responsibility of going to work each and every day. So how can we expect them to also be present for swimming lessons each week? Yes, I know some fathers can manage this commitment but only a small percentage.

Should we, as swimming professionals be trying to address that, by perhaps offering more "Weekend or Evening Classes" or before work classes, so fathers can be involved? I personally find Sundays, offer a perfect opportunity for swimming lessons and recreational time in the water for families. At our swimming schools, Sunday was our biggest day.

I also have witnessed, a very successful swim school at the university in Sydney, Australia who offered 5am to 8am swimming sessions for their babies and smaller children's' swimming program. They were hugely successful and inundated with professional couples, who took advantage of swimming sessions for their tots before they went to work.

Perhaps before any of us swimming professionals can "make a judgment, on whether mothers or fathers are the best swimming teachers, we need to offer more opportunities for young family and really just focus on doing what we do best, teaching the parents' safe water practices, and encourage them to spend more quality time in the water with their children, be it swimming lessons or just play swimming. Perhaps then, we aquatic professionals can spend time observing and recording results.

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By K Burley


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